Does the #TheatreCapChallenge improve Patient Safety

?Quantitative #TheatreCapChallenge assessment

Side room in theatre complex
Blind folded 5 staff brought into room (these staff from different areas of theatre complex less likely to work with each other regularly – nursesx2, Anaesthetic assistant, anaesthetist, surgeon)

Sticker labels (name & role) on hat
no sticker labels on hat

Scenario relayed to the group while they have their blindfolds on
– weekend (limited staff in theatre)
– recovery nurse has been found collapsed in this room and you’ve run to attend the arrest call (recovery nurse would normally be the one who would have brought the arrest cart to the arrest in this situation)
– VF arrest

Remove blind fold

Video situation and assess time to perform certain tasks:

Commence CPR
Obtain arrest trolley
Commence BVM
Apply ECG / pads monitoring
Administer first shock (success of defibrillation decreases by 10% every minute)
Apply BP monitoring
Apply O2 saturation monitoring
?Cannulate mannequin
?Administer first dose of adrenaline
?Intubate mannequin