There are numerous reports of staff misidentification perhaps most concerning was an anaesthetist believing a staff member to be a nurse qualified in checking blood allowed blood to be given. Unfortunately the staff member was a theatre porter, the wrong blood was given and the patient died. Staff misidentification was felt to be a major contributory factor. (see here)
A consultant paediatric surgeon believing his assistant to be a surgical fellow asked a leading question – ‘You’re okay to finish this operation aren’t you’. Perhaps assuming that he was supposed to the medical student completed the case. The medical student was later reprimanded for not speaking up.
A gynaecologist made a hole in the patients bowel so the colorectal surgeon was called. On arrival they were asked to scrub in. After spending 15 minutes tryIng to find the hole the gynaecologist asked his colleague what they should do to which his colleague replied ‘I’m not sure – you do realise I’m a medical student’.
As a nurse practitioner working with female obstetrics-gynecology residents, I hear complaints about mistaken identity all the time. (see here)
As a junior hospital doctor, it was an almost daily occurrence that patients would mistake me for a nurse, student, or anything other than a doctor. (see here)
Unfortunately, I have heard countless stories of them (doctors) being mistaken for transport staff, technicians and cooks. (see here)
Please share your stories is staff Misidentification and we will add them to this list.
Thank you for your support.